Am 28.04.2011 19:28, schrieb Wes Hardaker:
>>>>>> On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 16:10:49 +0200, Reindl Harald 
>>>>>> <> said:
> RH> you can not change after 30 years way a basic-command works
> RH> like changing default to IPv6 without producing a lot
> RH> of troubles out there, make now a unifified command
> RH> with IPv4 as default and change it later to IPv6 as
> RH> default has the same effect
> And that's the reasoning that will keep advancement of anything from
> ever happening.  We need a firefox6 too I guess

you missunderstand me

i am developer and often throw things away and rewrite them if it is really 

but sometimes i get the feeling that if things are well known and debugged 
starts a new framework / replacement to get a better software-design, starting 
a lot of troubles and some new and at the moment things starting work pretty
the next incarnation comes out and the developers often see not the balance 
improvements and troubles

the real problem is that many tools / prgrams / codeparts out there rely on a 
behavior and sometimes linux-development feels like a race between developers 
and users
and the most time re-implentations are missing features, are not well thought 
included un distributions-releases longing over months and years to get stable

KDE4 and pulseaudio are the best examples which brougt more troubles they 
solved over
a long time, GNOME akes the same failures now and as user you have no chance to
get lost of things because every distri have other painful versions of packages
never ever a enduser should get faced of in the state they where released

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