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On 04/30/2011 02:37 AM, Hans de Goede wrote:
> Nice to meet you. I'm a long time Fedora contributor, and since
> 2.5 years a software engineer for RH :)

Awesome! If you are at Summit I will look out for you.

> Cool! (making Fedora a good platform for digital DJing) In the past
> I've worked on getting as many packages as possible from planet ccrma
> into Fedora to make it a better audio production platform. I've stopped
> half way through because of lack of time though :|

I have played with their realtime kernel a tiny bit (just installed it).
I know what you mean on time though :-)

> I'm a sponsor and I would be happy to sponsor you. But first I would like
> to see slightly more of your packaging skills / understanding of the
> Fedora packaging guidelines (I already took a quick look
> at your xwax package). There are 2 ways to show your package ninja
> skills,
> you can create 1 or 2 more packages (which I will then review together
> with
> pal), see here for a list of potential candidates:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/WishList

Ugh everything on that list that looked easy, or interesting either
was already done,
had no MakeFile/configure script, was incompatible with Fedora or
wouldn't build easily.

I have updated the wiki with the issues I ran into on six packages:


> If you would be interested in packaging up a game or 2 let me know and
> I'll
> update the Games SIG wishlist page, as I think that needs some love :)

If you can add some on there that might be compatible with Fedora, and
have configure/MakeFiles I'd definitely be willing to take a shot.
Please update it, games are fun :-)

oh wait I see it has a lot of stuff already:

I'll take a look.. this looks fun

> Also we can always use some more nice fonts in Fedora, see the fonts
> wishlist,
> and also:
> http://mairin.wordpress.com/category/unpackaged-font-of-the-week/

I may do this in the mean time because packaging fonts at first seems
like it should be easy *crosses fingers*

> Or instead of doing some more packages, you could do some unofficial
> reviews, also described here:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_get_sponsored_into_the_packager_group

maybe after I get another package review request up.

Thank you Hans for all the advice and info. I look forward to working
with you.

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