On Mon, 02 May 2011 17:04:00 -0400
Tim Bielawa <tbiel...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hey all!
> I'm Tim Bielawa, I work at Red Hat (as of Jan. 10 this year) and have
> been working in IT in some kind of sysadmin type role for the last 4
> years.
> Package maintenance isn't a new concept to me as it was a major focus
> point in my last role. In the past, when I worked with more Ubuntu
> systems I even started down the road to being a MOTU.
> Working with OSS projects is something I've been involved with for a
> while. I kept track of most of my prior contributions online if you
> want to check it out: http://www.tbielawa.com/opensource/ 
> I just submitted a package review ticket on bugzilla if some one would
> be so kind as to look at it [0]. The package is of a program called
> Taboot. In brief, it's for scripted sysadminning using Func. 
> I'm the upstream maintainer, so you can rest assured that close
> contact will be maintained. This is a program we depend on daily in
> my working group so it will continue be receive updates.
> I'm looking forward to making more future contribution!

Excellent and welcome!

We use func in Fedora infrastructure, so this project is of interest to
me at least. ;) 

I'm not sure when I can get to it, but if no one beats me to it I will
look at reviewing your package and sponsoring you. :) 

Welcome to the fun. 


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