On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Ian Malone <ibmal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4 November 2011 13:21, seth vidal <skvi...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, 4 Nov 2011 10:25:54 +0000 (UTC)
>> Bojan Smojver <bo...@rexursive.com> wrote:
>>> Adam Williamson <awilliam <at> redhat.com> writes:
>>> > > Yeah, I got that bit. But I'm sure all you folks are in the know,
>>> > > so I asked.
>>> >
>>> > No more than anyone - there really is no cabal ;) All I know is
>>> > what the GNOME / desktop team have said in public, but what they've
>>> > said seems to point in a Shell-y direction, to me.
>>> I meant, on average, a guy working for Red Hat would know a whole lot
>>> more about Gnome than myself, who's got zero knowledge.
>>> Anyhow, it's not the shell per se that's the problem. It's the
>>> overview mode - so bloody annoying with its constant expose in/out
>>> animations, lack of desktop visibility etc. I know - it looks great
>>> on YouTube. Not so great when you have use it for work all day.
>>> Ah, never mind - just whinging...
>>   Install xfce. You'll be happy w/that.
> This is essentially giving up. It's frustrating to be stuck on
> overview mode on a four core machine while gnome-shell is doing
> /something/ but you don't know what. If it worked fluidly it would be
> okay. Actually, the responsiveness issue isn't limited just to
> overview, but that's where it's most annoying because it completely
> cuts you off. (And ten seconds to get the applications list, really?)

That's what people call "bugs" please file them (upstream) so that we
can fix them.
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