On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Ralf Corsepius <rc040...@freenet.de> wrote:
> IMO, Fedora has obvious problems with its
> - work-flow (Too immature SW migrates/sneaks through from Alpha/Beta to
> Final)

If you feel this is the case, feel free to help improve the work-flow,
or at a minimum help write better Alpha/Beta/Final release criteria to
help us catch things you consider immature.

> - management, whom seems to be driven by a "must have at any price, no point
> of return ever" policy.

I'm not sure who you're referring to as "management" here -- if you
talking about the FPL, I can say that during my time as FPL I never
took that attitude.  If you're talking about FESCo, I don't think they
have that attitude either.  To slightly twist Hanlon's Razor for a
moment, I think you're ascribing to malice that which can adequately
be explained by a lot of moving pieces and not enough work on
integrating those moving pieces together.  Let's be honest here -- I
don't think anyone here wants to blatantly throw features in Fedora at
any price with no point of return.  We all have a vested interest in
seeing Fedora be successful.  So, instead of blindly blaming the
management, how about we all try doing a little better communication
and integration.  Trying to judge (or mischaracterize) other people's
motivations doesn't help Fedora get any better.

Jared Smith
devel mailing list

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