drago01 wrote:
> The poll is scientifically useless and you know that; and the one Olav
> linked shows the opposite by the way.

The one Olav linked to said only "GNOME" rather than "GNOME 3" or "GNOME 
Shell" and as such people who are still sticking with GNOME 2 will have 
voted for GNOME too. Several distributions are still shipping GNOME 2 (and 
users don't always use the latest version of their distribution either), so 
they might not even KNOW about GNOME 3 yet, or at least not have tried it 
yet. Plus, the poll is outdated by at least 2½ months (published Dec 1), 
which also contributes to people still rating GNOME based on the old GNOME 
2. (Again, most distributions are much slower in adopting GNOME 3 than 
Fedora.) Even the article itself admits that "Due to the timing of the GNOME 
3 release, it's hard to tell if the victory is because of version 3 or in 
spite of it." The LQ poll proves it was the latter.

        Kevin Kofler

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