Am 15.02.2012 12:24, schrieb Tomasz Torcz:
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:16:07PM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> there is no single reason for a feature like /usrmove which
>> in fact nobody NEEDS at all and definitly not now to press
>> it into the next release with pressure
> Well, I need usrmove, because I have a strong need for clean system.
> Here, your point is invalid.

you mean all existing linux-installations are unclean?

you need a clean system but accept that half of the distribution
is a mix of systemd/sysv/lsb - you would get a clean system if
the work of one feature would be COMPLETLY done before the next
is started, but seems that most people have no intention nor
the make nor any idea what is a clean system

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