Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 15.02.2012 13:43, schrieb Martin Langhoff:
>> On Feb 15, 2012 6:16 AM, "Reindl Harald" <
>> <>> wrote:
>>> there is no single reason for a feature like /usrmove which
>>> in fact nobody NEEDS at all and definitly not now to press
>>> it into the next release with pressure
>> You are wrong. The /usr move has a very clear impact in being able
>> to snapshot your OS install partition. Add
>> btrfs, yum hooks and the already-implemented "stateless"
>> configuration and you have a really major feature: a fully
>> upgrade/test/rollback setup for Fedora.
> only one out of a million installations have /usr seperated
> from / and the default is NOT do this - so no there is no
> impact on any normal setup

Prior to F17, I've always put /usr on a partition separate from /.

    $ df -hT / /usr
    Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda4      ext4   11G  7.3G  3.2G  70% /
    /dev/sda6      ext4   10G  7.3G  2.3G  77% /usr

I know I'm special ;-), but *that* special?  I doubt it.
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