On Tue, 03.04.12 08:31, Chris Murphy (li...@colorremedies.com) wrote:

> My only concern about it being on tmpfs instead of on disk, is how big
> it could get, how much memory could be held hostage, until there's a
> reboot. I'd rather see it be both size and age limited (each item has
> a decay rate or something), so that it's evacuated more regularly than
> just between reboots - which could be months.

tmpfs by default are limited to 50% of the host RAM in size. Debian
lowered this to 30% for /tmp. Whether it is 30% or 50% doesn't really
matter too much, what does matter however is that tmpfs always comes
with an enforced limit on size.

Since about always on Fedora /tmp has been cleaned up in regular
intervals. Originally by tmpwatch, but these days by the tmpfiles logic.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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