On 04/03/2012 04:50 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 03.04.2012 09:17, schrieb drago01:
>> I don't really get why people make so much fuss about a non issue
>> really. 99,99% of the users won't even notice that anything changed at
>> all.
> for this 99.9% the current behavior is also good enough
> if they do not notice any change
> the other 0.1% are servers where /tmp is a own partition
> or for virtual machines often even a own virtual disk
> where as example mysqld writes temp-files for many
> operations require a temp-table or vmware put
> memory mapped files
> these are actions often require a lot of disk space
> and /tmp was set up as own virtual disk to NOT use
> rootfs

There's nothing stopping you from setting things up this way
if that's what you need.

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