On Apr 4, 2012, at 1:35 AM, Kamil Paral wrote:
> Doesn't it block any other notifications being displayed? Or won't subsequent 
> notifications hide it?
> If we can keep it displayed until manually dismissed and it won't block any 
> other notifications to pop up, then it seems like a good solution. Otherwise 
> persistent button appeals me more, because it's just there, not running away, 
> you don't need to care why it disappeared and how you can find it again.

Persistance is a very good attribute. Imagine someone plays with the LiveCD, 
they like it, they play more, like it more, now they want to install - but do 
we really want them having to reboot to get the notification/message again so 
they know where to go find the easter egg installer?? Nooo... better have it in 
a consistent location.

In fact, I'd advise both notification/message as well as the persistent menu 
bar installer option. We are talking about a significant minority of Windows 
and Mac OS (and maybe some other linux distro) users here. Be inviting.

Chris Murphy
devel mailing list

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