On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 15:07:45 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Jan Kratochvil wrote:
> > This is still unrelated to the point whether Fedora is a Free distro or
> > not (it is not due to Linux firmwares - this part is known). So why isn't
> > Flash + acroread etc. also installed by default or be available in
> > repositories?
> Because Fedora IS a Free Software distribution,

OK. So what is the difference that Mozilla plugins repository is preconfigured
but RPMfusion/RPMforge/Adobe repositories are not preconfigured.

I find these proprietary repositories have equal attributes, don't they?

Either Fedora forbids accessibility of any non-Free software and therefore it
should forbid also Mozilla plugins.

Or Fedora is OK with installing non-Free software into it but then the Adobe
repository should be made preconfigured because it is even significantly more
convenient for end-user than the already preconfigured Mozilla repository.

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