On Tue, 24 Apr 2012 13:49:14 +0200
Patrick Monnerat <p...@datasphere.ch> wrote:

> Just to pull the attention of wiki maintainers who are aware of koji

Just a side note... "wiki maintainers" are every single person with a
fedora account. ;) 

> targets: on the package maintainer join page, koji description
> (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/Join#Install_the_Client_Tools_.28Koji.29),
> the paragraph
> TARGET is a distribution keyword such as dist-f9 (for Fedora 9). You
> can run "koji list-targets" to see all targets. To build for the next
> release (rawhide), don't use "dist-rawhide" - use "dist-fX" where X is
> one more than the latest stable release. 
> is outdated and inaccurate. It should probably by actualized to
> reflect the new target strategy since beginners are not supposed to
> discover the truth by themselves !

I've updated it. See if the new version works or makes sense, if not,
please adjust. ;) 


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