On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 13:16:24 -0400,
  Aleksandar Kurtakov <akurt...@redhat.com> wrote:

If we means all people subscribed to fedora-devel I think everyone should run with 
updates-testing enabled. This definition of we is the people that make Fedora happen so 
we should always test our stuff - non-stop. Regular updates are for users. From my POV 
everyone sending messages to fedora-devel is supposed to run with updates-testing 
enabled. And excuses like "no time" and etc. doesn't make sense as this case is 
showing that one can not simply care about his packages only because there is always 
something else that your package collaborates with that needs testing too.

While I would enourage Fedora contributors to run with updates-testing available, I don't think everyone on the devel list needs to. We all have to make trade offs of time and the project may benefit more from some people spending their time on other things than testing updates before they get to stable. Note that not everyone subscribed to the devel list is a packager and that packagers have other ways to install their package updates without using the updates-testing repo.
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