On 01/10/2013 03:08 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:

smartmontools... could be dropped, if people don't use it much. All it does
out of the box is e-mail root (and throw messages at the tty.)

smartmontools brings in smartctl which starts and displays status from SMART tests. The replacement is I guess libatasmart (sktest/skdump), but it's not quite satisfactory yet:

- smartctl -t reports how long the test will take, sktest doesn't

- smartctl -a reports past test results, skdump doesn't AFAIK

- there's very little in the way of man pages/docs for skdump

- I have seen cases where smartctl works across the USB interface but skdump doesn't---although the reverse was more common and recently both seem to work equally well.

In summary, libatasmart is not yet a fully satisfactory replacement for this arguably important functionality. I would be willing to work with Lennart on addressing those, if there's consensus to dump smartmontools.

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