On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 11:40:40 +0100
Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> <sarcasm>oh yeah "ss" is a pretty clear and self explaining
> command</sarcasm>
> if people would develop SMART repalcements they would call the
> binaries identical with compatible command line switches so a
> "Obsoletes: whatever" would not change the USER INTERFACES

ss is not command line compatible with netstart AFAIK. 
It provides similar information... 

> fine, you can add addtionoal command line options, you can even
> add new specialized binaries in the same package but say
> "command A with other options" replaces "well known B" is
> pretty dumb at all

It takes a long time as we see for new replacements to gain traction,
but things change. :) 


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