Eric Smith wrote:

> On 01/28/2013 08:47 AM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
>> I think switching the desktop that has been our default for over 10
>> years and 18 releases requires just a bit more research and reason
>> than that. ~m
> I don't disagree with the "more research and reason" part, but the
> current default desktop has only been "our default" for four releases,
> F15 through F18.  I don't recall any serious "research and reason"
> having been involved in the switch that occurred when F15 was being
> developed.  As far as I can tell, it was just thrust upon us without
> much consideration as to whether it was good, bad, or indifferent.  My
> proposal is at least only that, a proposal, and is not being thrust upon
> anyone without discussion and ultimately a vote.

+1, what is the default now is a very different (and much less popular) 
beast from what had been the default for "over 10 years".

        Kevin Kofler

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