On Tue, 2013-02-05 at 11:12 +0100, Ralf Corsepius wrote:
>   You never heard sentences like:
> * "What you can cope with Fedora? Is the GUI still this unusable beta crap?"
>   I did (Usually from Ubuntu users), and am not happy having to hear this.

You never heard Ubuntu users pondering a switch to Fedora 18 because
GNOME 3 on Ubuntu is a mix and match of GNOME components in different
versions, not working very well together?

I did.

> Sigh, let me try again: The Fedora project is pushing away Fedora users 
> from Fedora, because Fedora/RH have missed that it's "new DE" (Gnome3) 
> is addressing a different audience than Gnome2 did.
> The Gnome3 audience is not the classical Fedora user base (Linux devs), 
> it's the Android/iOS adicted "wipe/tile kidz".
> I.e. if Fedora wants to keep their "old user-base" you need to offer 
> them alternatives, and not to be stubborn on Gnome 3 for whatever reasons.

This is a gross generalization.

I was a GNOME 2 user, and am still a GNOME 3 user.

I loved GNOME 2 for their focus on simplicity and not getting in my way,
and I love GNOME 3 even more as they went even further in that

My $dayjob is to make a RHEL/Fedora derivative distro, does that fall in
what you characterize "the classical Fedora user base (Linux devs)"?

I have never owned any Android/iOS device, am I a 'Android/iOS adicted
"wipe/tile kidz"'?

Can you please stop pigeonholing people this way?

> Agreed, as I wrote earlier on in this thread, to me, Cinnamon is not 
> sufficiently away from Gnome3 to justify switching. OK with me, if other 
> people want to use it, but do NOT FORCE me to use either!

Nobody is forcing you to do anything...

I find it surprising that you keep saying that new users should be able
to read a few paragraphs before choosing the desktop they want to
download, and yet you (a seasoned Fedora contributor) didn't manage to
read the following:

  More download options...

Or even:

  Other Options

      Formats: DVD ISOs, Physical Media
      Desktops: KDE, Xfce, GNOME, and others
      Spins: Games, Design, Security, and others
      Cloud: EC2 Cloud Images
      Secondary Arches: ARM, s390, PPC

  View more Fedora options...

That's all prominently listed on the main download page:


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