On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 01:28:54PM +0100, Trond Hasle Amundsen wrote:
> Christopher Meng <cicku...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Somewhat funny that many users even don't know this tweak tool and ask
> > everywhere about this......
> I always found it odd that gnome-tweak-tool even exists.. some
> functionality are found in the system settings, some in
> gnome-tweak-tool. If you ask me, gnome-tweak-tool should be part of the
> standard system settings. Call it "advanced shell options" or
> something. It would be easier for users to find, provide a more
> consistent GNOME experience, and ultimately happier users.

This has been addressed various times. In brief: Advanced buttons do not
work. They'll be clicked every time. Tweak tool provides a different
guarantee of stability. For instance: if you change an option in System
Settings and it results in a bug it must be fixed asap. At the same
time, the sloppy focus option in Tweak tool is known to have issues. And
to avoid misunderstandings: sloppy focus has less issues with every

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