Am 15.02.2013 04:13, schrieb Kevin Kofler:
> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Well, unless Oracle as upstream wants to get involved as downstream
>> maintainers in Fedora as well.  They did offer to do that but don't seem
>> to have stepped up yet.
> I really don't see what we have to gain from having 2 conflicting versions 
> of MySQL in Fedora. It'd be a big mess not only for our users, but also for 
> the software in Fedora which depends on it. For the same reason, I'm also 
> opposed to the plan of having MySQL and MariaDB coexist for one release. We 
> should really move to MariaDB with hard Obsoletes and then ship only that.

for me there are two options

* stick with MySQL as Oracle offered packaging support
  hopefully they raise up their speed and quality
  this is what i would strongly prefer

* replace MySQL with MariaDB and stop thinking about all of
  this mess of having both and pray that drop-in-replacement
  really works in all cases

  * not breaks randomly updates in the life-cycle for people using one
    or the other depending on which package get's a minor update
    and what of both you are using

  * not messup with hidden soname incompatibilites, i simply do not buy
    the argument you can have both and it is binary compatible

  * even MySQL 5.5 had a HIDDEN soname break on a minor update with the
    need of rebuild depending packages and now people will explain me
    that two different forks are binary compatible - this is very
    thin ice and can break with ANY minor update

  * whatever suprises may come to the light after it is way too late for
    a clean and doable solution

provide a clean and working migration to MariaDB or leave your fingers
from replace software from which complete and complex infrastructures
are depending in the real world

have you guys any idea what impact touching mysql in infrastrcutures
with dbmail/postfix/dovecot/httpd on several machines working tight
together with all sorts of web-applications may have?

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