Rahul Sundaram wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 8:49 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>> Please take into account that English is not Harald's (nor my, for that
>> matter) first language. It's already hard to be polite when one's angry,
>> but it's all the harder in a foreign language.
> English isn't my native tongue either.

Sure, but that just adds to the language barrier.

> Sure, some of what I write will offend people because I am not expressing
> as clearly but I don't think that is the situation with Harald.

I do. I've met him in person. He's a nice guy, he's just really frustrated 
due to changes being made to Fedora which consistently make his work harder 
(and I can fully understand that, also because some of the changes annoy the 
heck out of me as well).

> He has been moderated quite heavily which is fairly unprecedented in
> Fedora lists because he is a repeat offender and continues to behave
> rudely in several mailing lists he has been subscribed to.  He has been
> asked many times to moderate his language and he should pay more attention
> to it instead of claiming that is the only way to express anything.

The "rude" words he's using are a result of the repeated frustration caused 
by unhelpful changes to Fedora.

Instead of going after Harald, you should go after the changes which are 
frustrating him that much! He's far from the only one annoyed by those 

        Kevin Kofler

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