On 12 March 2013 18:32, Máirín Duffy <du...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On 03/12/2013 07:24 PM, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
>> I am saying this because I agree. To me the proposal (not the original
>> but some point in the the 500 ms boot time "ideal" ) seemed very much
>> a welded shut view. And as someone who has to worked on welded shut
>> computers for asthetic reasons.. it brings out the fighting urge in
>> me.
> Did you guys actually read the blog post? Is aesthetics cited in any of
> the reasons for hiding the menu? No, it's not. These were the reasons I
> cited in favor of the proposal to hide the menu:

I read the blog and I was NOT talking about your blog post. Rereading
what I wrote does show that I did not convey that clearly. What I was
trying to refer to was that over the long winding thread others have
pointed out that this would be great from an aesthetics view or
implying that wanting to see the boot messages was uglifying things.

That was where my dander was getting up earlier. Your blog post did
not get up my dander and I was agreeing that you were a) listening to
us old grognards and b) trying to come up with a solution that
encompassed that listening.

I apologize because my writing skills did not convey that.

Stephen J Smoogen.
"Don't derail a useful feature for the 99% because you're not in it."
Linus Torvalds
"Years ago my mother used to say to me,... Elwood, you must be oh
so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I
recommend pleasant. You may quote me."  —James Stewart as Elwood P. Dowd
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