On Wed, 2013-03-13 at 10:48 -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> On 03/13/2013 10:43 AM, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> > If you're lamenting the cryptical form of the current strings I totally
> > agree with you but I don't think there is any technical limitation that
> > prevents improving this text instead of dumping the baby with the bath
> > water.
> I'm not. I'm making an analogy. The terminology / jargon on the
> bootloader page (even the very term, 'bootloader') is about as useful as
> Japanese to a non-Japanese speaker, so throwing it up in their face
> 'just in case' isn't really as effective as some are posing it would be.

I'm with you that users shouldn't see this by default, but rather e.g.
upon encountering an error condition (or if configured differently).
However, we still could use better wording for such a message, even if
we restrict ourselves to English, e.g.: "Press <keycombo> if you want to
change how your system starts." That's hardly in the league of Japanese
for someone not speaking it.

Nils Philippsen      "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase 
Red Hat               a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty
n...@redhat.com       nor Safety."  --  Benjamin Franklin, 1759
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