Florian Festi wrote:
> That's not correct. The change log is stored within the rpm header which
> is not compressed. While there have been efforts to compress the header
> those changes have not (yet) made it upstream as it would make rpm
> packages completely incompatible with older rpm versions.

Then that's what needs to be fixed. How to deal with the compatibility 
issue? Just phase it in gradually: provide Fedora n and n+1 with RPM support 
for the feature (either by shipping with it from the start or as an update), 
but do not enable it by default, then make the switch for Fedora n+2. We do 
not support direct upgrades from n-1 to n+2 (=(n-1)+3) anyway. For upstream, 
just leave it off by default for the foreseeable future, enable it in 
redhat-rpm-config for Fedora only. I fail to see the issue.

I'm also against trimming changelogs: It loses history and it's arguably a 
violation of the GPL (which requires you to list all the changes you made) 
for GPLed packages. I'd even go as far as saying that all the changelogs 
that were trimmed should be untrimmed (by recovering the missing pieces from 
old copies of the specfile in the SCM history).

        Kevin Kofler

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