Ravindra Kumar (ravindraku...@vmware.com) said: 
> (Batching a bunch of replies)
> > Install and uninstall looks a bit weird to me; what could be
> > done is to make the package conditionally whether it's running
> > in a VMware VM or not, much like it happens now for the EFI
> > packages (only installed on an EFI system) or the spice agent
> > (IIRC) if it's installed in libvirt/kvm or RHEV/ovirt.
> Thanks Simone. I will look into this.
> > Wouldn't the opposite make more sense?
> Yes, that is more logical. But, I have considered how Anaconda
> installs packages from CD and yum etc. Conditionally excluding
> it during different types of installation methods will probably
> require lots of changes in different pieces of install framework.
> E.g. including/excluding a package from CD, including/excluding
> a package from yum etc.

But adding it if a condition is met seems much simpler. Consider
how it adds FS tools or RAID tools depending on the type of install.

Or if this was done via a yum plugin, it's possible it could be
done automatically at that level.

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