On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Nicolas Mailhot
<nicolas.mail...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Le Ven 19 juillet 2013 20:16, Matthew Miller a écrit :
>> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 07:37:35PM +0200, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
>>> However, having the /usr/sbin/sendmail API available to applications
>>> is valuable - it brings a significant system administration benefit of
>>> centralizing the SMTP configuration.
>> What does it mean to "have available"? As discussed earlier, I think it's
>> significantly better for applications to get errors (which they can
>> handle)
> ROTFL. They won't handle anything, they'll just test the "everything is
> working" scenario.
> Having a standard way to use a real MUA, with actual support for SMTP
> intricacies, proofed queuing logic, and single configuration store or
> language, is a major reliability and operational boon. Every single time
> I've seen an app disdain the local MTA because "it is not available on
> non-*nix systems" it ended up badly the first time there was an error to
> handle. And I'm quite sure any security audit of their SMTP logic would
> have been dreadful.

Amen. If I see one more Java based non-RFC compliant,
non-error-reporting piece of "I'll be an MTA when I grow up" debris
shoved into a messaging application......
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