On Fri, 2013-08-09 at 15:54 -0700, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> I realize it's been a while since F19 was released but I finally got 
> around to do a server install.  Since there have been a few negative 
> reviews here of the installation process I thought it might be nice to 
> have a mostly positive one.  Here are my observations:
> VLAN setup for installing!  Yay!  However, after rebooting, 
> NetworkManager wasn't able to bring it up, something about not knowing 
> the "virtual interface name".  Turned out to be the ethernet interface 
> name changed from what it was at install time.

This would be the rather brown-paper-bag-ish
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=965718 . Last I
checked we were still working out the precise implications of that one.
This sounds like another of them.

> Didn't detect my timezone.  Not a big deal, but I was hoping it would 
> since there's been some discussion here about it working.

We'd probably need the apparent public IP address of the system you were
installing on to debug this one.

> I'm reinstalling an existing server, so used the custom partitioning. 
> The only problem I had here was that I clicked on the existing /home 
> partition to add it to the new install but then couldn't figure out what 
> to do.  All I saw on the right was lots of disabled form items. 
> Eventually I read the instructions carefully

You damn dirty liar. You are CLEARLY not a Fedora user.

>  and then looked at the 
> mount point entry again and saw that it wasn't disabled.  I wonder if 
> there is some way to make it more obvious...

Trumpets? :)

> After starting the install, I went to enter the root password.  As I was 
> doing so, the interface appeared to freeze.  I switched through the 
> consoles and when I got back the interface was working again and the 
> keys that I had typed had shown up.  

Yeah, that happens sometimes. I've never bothered reporting it, but if
you do I'll subscribe to your newsletter. I think the root PW UI can
block on partitioning operations happening behind it.

> One odd thing I noticed while 
> cycling through the consoles was that console 6 had a login prompt on 
> it.  I didn't actually try logging in.
> The progress bar is strange.  All the package installing barely made it 
> past a quarter of the way.

That progress info is coming straight from yum (it's basically the same
'progress' you get when doing a 'yum update'). Because it still has to
do its "verify" and "clean" steps, yeah, you're a long way behind 100%
when it's just done "installing".

Remember, there are lies, damn lies, statistics, and progress bars...

> Other than the ethernet interface naming issue, just minor cosmetic 
> issues.  Thanks to everybody involved in getting the installer in such 
> nice shape.

Glad you enjoyed it!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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