On Sat, 2013-08-17 at 11:57 -0700, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 08/17/2013 12:28 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> >> VLAN setup for installing!  Yay!  However, after rebooting,
> >> NetworkManager wasn't able to bring it up, something about not knowing
> >> the "virtual interface name".  Turned out to be the ethernet interface
> >> name changed from what it was at install time.
> >
> > This would be the rather brown-paper-bag-ish
> > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=965718 . Last I
> > checked we were still working out the precise implications of that one.
> > This sounds like another of them.
> >
> I should remember to check common bugs, but since I follow this list I'm 
> normally familiar with the existing issues.  But after looking at the 
> entry, it wouldn't have been helpful to my case since it says there 
> shouldn't be any issues.  

Yeah. We need to fix that. The problem is that now I know it *does*
cause some issues, but I still don't know *what* issues. Bill was
supposed to be looking into it and updating the bug, but unless I missed
a comment, he didn't get around to it yet.

> In this case, the problem is cross-interface 
> matching.  The ethernet interface was created with one name and the vlan 
> references that one.  However, after rebooting the ethernet interface 
> has a different name, so the vlan can't find it and fails.
> >> Didn't detect my timezone.  Not a big deal, but I was hoping it would
> >> since there's been some discussion here about it working.
> >
> > We'd probably need the apparent public IP address of the system you were
> > installing on to debug this one.
> >
> I just tested the ip against the fedora geoip service and it returns the 
> correct info.  I wonder if there is something timing related.  Since I 
> had to setup the vlan interface before it had internet access, maybe it 
> was too late for the lookup.

Yeah, I've seen that kind of thing in some of my tests. A lot of my live
installs wind up with New York as the timezone, IIRC.

> >> Eventually I read the instructions carefully
> >
> > You damn dirty liar. You are CLEARLY not a Fedora user.
> >
> It was my last resort!  And since I was installing the gateway server, I 
> didn't have internet access to use Google or ask on the mailing list. ;-)
> >>   and then looked at the
> >> mount point entry again and saw that it wasn't disabled.  I wonder if
> >> there is some way to make it more obvious...
> >
> > Trumpets? :)
> >
> Sure!  I don't know, maybe a different color, but that gets into other 
> issues...  It's not a huge deal, but in the sea of grey, the one black 
> label didn't stick out much.
> >> One odd thing I noticed while
> >> cycling through the consoles was that console 6 had a login prompt on
> >> it.  I didn't actually try logging in.
> >>
> Any thoughts on this one?  It was rather surprising to find a login 
> prompt during the installing process.

IIRC it's been there for a while, I'm not entirely sure of its purpose.
More a question for anaconda team I think.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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