Am 17.08.2013 20:17, schrieb Kevin Fenzi:
> On Fri, 16 Aug 2013 22:05:57 +0200
> Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> since i have enough of bugzilla-mails as response of bugreports
>> containing referecnes to any Fedora version but not the reported
>> i consider this as bug in the distribution itself
>> *at least* a "we do not fix this in F18 because <short explaination>"
>> or "it will most likely done in the next package-update for Fq8"
>> would be what anybody who is wasting his time for verify things
>> in the distribution and report bugs/guideline-violations should
>> be a response
> Why not simply ask in a bug comment? 
> "Thanks for the f19/f20 updates, but I reported against f18, is there
> any way you can backport this fix to f18 for me please?"
> I think most maintainers would answer that and try and accommodate you.
> Perhaps they missed that it was filed against f18, or they thought that
> you just wanted it fixed in newer releases, etc. 

becuase it happens *regualary* and not from time to time
and not depending on package/maintainer and that is
a wron gbehavior which should be made clear insinde
the distribution

people like i complain, others simply no longer reporrt
bugs if it happens repeatly

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