Am 23.08.2013 01:50, schrieb Adam Williamson:
> On Fri, 2013-08-16 at 22:05 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> since i have enough of bugzilla-mails as response of bugreports
>> containing referecnes to any Fedora version but not the reported
>> i consider this as bug in the distribution itself
>> *at least* a "we do not fix this in F18 because <short explaination>"
>> or "it will most likely done in the next package-update for Fq8"
>> would be what anybody who is wasting his time for verify things
>> in the distribution and report bugs/guideline-violations should
>> be a response
>> ___________________________________
>> hence i even do not understand why not every maintainer is reading
>> and after
>> logout from the DE calls "checksec --proc-all" and *MUST enable*
>> in the guidelines is no opt-in
>> as well as read things like
>> thanks god, some of the packages i reported in the last months
>> are in the meantime fixed - but why maintainers and/or at least
>> QA do not care that the guidelines are respected?
> We don't have the resources for all this stuff, to be honest

which ressources?

the main question is why *each* maintainer itself does not
read the guidelines and check his own packages instead
waiting for QA and people reporting bugs

> I'd never seen any of the bugs you link in this mail before

clearly, only the maintainer takes notice (or not)

> There is no QA-matron which sees all bugs filed in Fedora, I'm afraid. 
> There's a small group of monkeys running as fast as we can to keep up 
> with release validation and update testing, pretty much

that is why i wrote this mail to remember each single maintainer
he should care itself if his packages are hardened and if they
must or should - with or without a specific bugreport should not
matter in this case

taht's why in doubt the whole distribution should be hardened
and this prelink-nonsense banned at all

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