fre 2013-08-23 klockan 16:46 -0700 skrev Adam Williamson:
> But if
> I'm going to do it, I'd rather get the replace-dir-with-symlink stuff
> 'right' (for whatever value we decide is 'right') first time.

The shortest scriptlet I saw to remove a directory in pretrans is:
(see e.g.

%pretrans -p <lua>
st = posix.stat("<path to dir>")
if st and st.type == "directory" then
  os.execute("rm -rf <path to dir>")

But, this sort of cheats a bit since is calls out to system rm, which is
not present on the initial install transaction. On the other hand on the
initial install transaction the directory does not exist and the
os.execute will not be executed. So it is possibly acceptable. Doing
recursive directory removal completely in lua is as already mentioned a
quite long script.

The corresponding scriptlets to remove a symlink or a file do not have
to cheat:

%pretrans -p <lua>
st = posix.stat("<path to link>")
if st and st.type == "link" then
  os.remove("<path to link>")

%pretrans -p <lua>
st = posix.stat("<path to file>")
if st and st.type == "regular" then
  os.remove("<path to file>")


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