On Aug 25, 2013 12:17 AM, "Till Maas" <opensou...@till.name> wrote:
> Hi,
> the comps git repo currently contains comps files for EOL releases,
> which makes "grep" more cumbersome, because one needs to specify the
> current non-EOL releases to grep only in them. Also it makes the default
> make target take unecessarily long, because it build all comps including
> the EOL ones. Therefore I propose to either
> - git rm the EOL comps files (old ones if needed can be read from
>   history

Not prefered

> or
> - move EOL comps fils to a subdirectory such as EOL/


> Will this break any procedures? Does FESCo need to decide whether to do
> this?
> Are there any tools to add/remove/substitute comps entries?
> It seems that the following packages are stil mentioned in f20 or
> f21 comps (I do not know which I checked) but are not in the i686 repo.
> At least some of these packages are arch specific:
> aeolus-all
> ant-scripts
> arm-gp2x-linux-SDL
> arm-gp2x-linux-binutils
> arm-gp2x-linux-gcc
> arm-gp2x-linux-gcc-c++
> arm-gp2x-linux-glibc
> arm-gp2x-linux-kernel-headers
> arm-gp2x-linux-zlib
> bluez-alsa
> checkgmail
> ctan-musixtex-fonts
> ettercap-gtk
> ghostscript-cups
> gnome-panel-devel
> kdenetwork-kdnssd
> kdenetwork-kget
> kdenetwork-krdc
> kdenetwork-krfb
> kdesdk-cervisia
> kdesdk-dolphin-plugins
> kdesdk-kapptemplate
> kdesdk-kcachegrind
> kdesdk-kioslave
> kdesdk-kmtrace
> kdesdk-kompare
> kdesdk-kpartloader
> kdesdk-kstartperf
> kdesdk-kuiviewer
> kdesdk-okteta
> kdesdk-poxml
> kdesdk-scripts
> kdesdk-strigi-analyzer
> kdesdk-umbrello
> libmatenotify
> libreoffice-javafilter
> libreoffice-report-builder
> makehuman
> mongodb-devel
> nc
> php-mysql
> php-pecl-apc
> polkit-js-engine
> ppc64-utils
> prelude-lml
> prelude-manager
> prewikka
> pymongo
> pymongo-gridfs
> s390utils
> s390utils-base
> sshscan
> sugar-emulator
> tetex-IEEEtran
> uboot-beagle
> uboot-beaglebone
> uboot-origen
> uboot-panda
> uboot-smdkv310
> uboot-wandboard_dl
> uboot-wandboard_solo
> ushare
> vdr-wapd
> --
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> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
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