----- Original Message -----
> On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 02:38:32PM +0100, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> > > I'd also like to see some of the restrictions on spins loosened a little
> > > bit. I think the spin/remix distinction (Fedora-only software vs.
> > > combined with other things) is good, but, for example, spins, maybe it
> > > *would* be okay to change software defaults in a way that isn't
> > > currently allowed.
> > Is there a "way that isn't currently allowed" actually?  Spins can put
> > anything into %post, and some do modify configuration.  (If nothing else,
> > the desktop spins change the default desktop...)
> I don't know to what degree this is enforced, but
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spins_Guidelines contains a big warning:
>   Do NOT change the default behavior of applications. An example is to
>   configure Nautilus to use the "Browser mode" by default. There may be
>   valid reasons to change parts of the application, but you'll need to
>   discuss them with the Spin SIG in your proposal.

Seems to be pretty outdated (*), we're past many things written there aka Live
CD size - for example for desktop and KDE spins. So the CD part could be 
I know several spins doing changes in defaults and it's really up to SIG 
standing behind spin than Spins SIG.

(*) last edit March 2011

> Although that is only in the "Live Spins" section. "Installation Spins" says
> "No notes on Installation Spins yet" (as it has for at least the last four
> years). Not that I'm one to talk -- documenting stuff is hard. :)

It needs updates :). Any volunteer?


> --
> Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
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