I've got a few comments and questions about the recently filed bugs asking
us to switch from Requires: java to Requires: java-headless.  First, the
bugs list some web pages to view for more information.  Number two on that
list is this:


which has a really unfortunate backslash in it.  People clicking on that
link get a "sorry, no such page" message from the web server.  It should
have been this:


Second, the bugs talk about this as a proposed guidelines change, yet
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Java now talks about it.  Doesn't
that mean that this is an official guideline, not a proposed change to the
official gudelines?

Third, developers are offered two options in those bugs: (1) don't do
anything and an automatic tool will make the change for you on or after
March 17, or (2) make the change to java-headless yourself.  I have one
package for which I need a third option: tell the automated tool that this
bug was filed in error, the package really doesn't work with java-headless,
and don't touch the package.  I realize that I can mark the bug as assigned
and leave it open indefinitely, but I'd rather have some option for closing
the bug, please.

Slightly off-topic: fedora-review is telling packagers NOT to add
"Requires: jpackage-utils" to javadoc subpackages because that is added
automatically, but I see no mention of this on

Jerry James
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