On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:51:22 +0200
Michael Schwendt <mschwe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's some time since I've had to submit a koji buildroot override via
> the bodhi web interface. It has become much more slower. First of all,
> the admin.fedoraproject.org server answers slower. And the koji
> wait-repo command has yet to end.
> What is the current estimate on how long it takes for bodhi to process
> a buildroot override request?
> koji lists a tag "f22-override" for the build, but that's not the tag
> I need to query. bodhi says "f22-build". I see other requests that
> have not been processed yet with the same symptoms. How long does it
> take nowadays?

It varies. 

The package is tagged into the override tag. 

The kojira process sees that the build target needs regenerating. 

However, it only does 6 newrepos at a time (used to be 3). All the side
tags need this, so since we have f21-build, f21-gnome, f21-kde,
f21-whhatever, there's a lot of tags to regen. 

Best case is that it sees it and starts the newrepo right then, and
then it's been taking about 6 minutes or so. 

Worst case is that it has to wait for another few to finish normally. 

However, in this case, it appears a f22-build newrepo got stuck, so
it's not doing anymore waiting for that one. 

This is very likely related to db issues I have spent all morning
trying to track down. :( 

I will clear that newrepo and get f22-build back on track in the mean


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