Dne 11.9.2015 v 18:22 Reindl Harald napsal(a):

Am 11.09.2015 um 18:17 schrieb Zdenek Kabelac:
Dne 11.9.2015 v 16:44 Reindl Harald napsal(a):

Am 11.09.2015 um 16:31 schrieb Zdenek Kabelac:
Dne 11.9.2015 v 15:47 Reindl Harald napsal(a):
don't tell me rpmfusion could not easily make that fully automated

This Fedora plan simply puts too much work at everyone's hands.

Sure - people who care about safety might have some option - like  I
always want to have ONLY the latest lib - and drop everything else,
there are still lot of users who could live with   older libs quite
happilly  (and especially in the case they do not use the library in
question AT ALL - which is the maint point here)

you said "every one has tons of free time" - well - and who would
maintain the
dozen of versions of libraries packages?

You miss few important points:

If you have  lib.so.2  and lib.so.4 - it may need far more work then
just running  rpmbuild   - so far away from 'fully automated'.

do we now build distributions backed by "may" and "possible"

in most cases it is just a "rpmbuild" like the mass-build on koji and the
exceptions need some handwork, no big drama

What maintaining time are we talking about - since Fedora breaks working
thing in the first place for no good reason and force massive
maintenance time on every user of new library in 'short' time for some
potential 'security' fixes - but you may on the other hand put in dozed
of new security breaks anyway  - and when I see how frequently i.e. gtk
libs  may break whole distro -  it would be far more pleasant to see
just couple broken apps at time - instead of rendering whole  rawhide

just because you don't understand or agree with the reasons don't mean
are not good

In real-world developing & testing app to work with all components takes
significantly more time  then in Fedora 'garden'.

don't explain me the real world after 12 years of software development

Not sure why you fail to understand this - I do like to have some apps
to be latest/greatest - while others might be rather 'tested & stable'
or even 'have them' (since they are no longer developed).

More complex projects even fail to fit in 1/2 year release cycle.

In non-Fedora 'world' it's the user who picks what he want to use,
however in Fedora 'garden' a few people selects what user may use and
puts huge walls and pointless obstacle all around if they want to use
something else -  yes I fail to see why this should be good for me....


that must be the reason why i run Fedora successful for 7 years now on all
sort of production and development servers and chose for myself which version
of mysql, php, postfix, dovecot, dbmail and what not is running and when it is
deplyoed independent of Fedora reelase cycles in both directions (holding
major upgrades back as well as make them long before Fedora)

We are finally getting to the point....

How many machines do you need to use for that setup ?
I prefer to use 1 system on 1 hardware on 1 disk - no kvm, no qemu.
And even containers are not a good fit - thought getting close....

Why I cannot use multiple different versions of php on a SINGLE machine ?
Why I cannot use some 10 years old graphical program (unless I do a local static compilation, so I'm sure it will work) ?

It's called free of choice....


PS: And my Fedora is even older continually upgraded rawhide...

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