On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Stephen Gallagher <sgall...@redhat.com>

> I'm putting up another pass at the proposal, as there were some
> critical typographical errors in the last one that caused confusion
> (there were a couple places where I wrote "bundled" and meant
> "unbundled" and the reverse). This revised version should be clearer.

I've gone over this in my head a number of times, and wonder if it might
make more sense to come up with a policy that wasn't necessarily so black
and white, and allows for more shades of gray.  Remixing an idea that Spot
presented at Southeast LinuxFest a few years back -- what if we assigned a
certain number of "points" or "demerits" for each instance of bundling (or
other packaging transgressions).

It would then be easier to say "Critical path packages must have 0 points"
and "Ring 1" packages must have three or fewer points", and "COPR doesn't
care about points", etc...

I think this strikes a fair balance between promoting packaging hygiene and
recognizing that not all upstream communities feel the same way Fedora
packagers do about bundled libraries.

Jared Smith
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