I'm new to RPM packaging. I've recently forked a repository, and one of the 
first things I tried to do was clean up formatting of the .spec file. 
Particularly the %if blocks were hard to follow because the previous author did 
not use any indentation at all. However, it seems like maybe indentation breaks 
tags. %if blocks that only contained other %macros inside seem to work okay, 
but if I have any leading whitespace on the lines for tags such as `Source1:` I 
get errors like this...

> error: line 102: Unknown tag: Source1: firefox-45.0a2.tar.bz2

...and removing the leading whitespace removes the error.

I'm having a hard time finding anything that explicitly says whether or not 
leading whitespace is allowed in the spec file, so I'm hoping that I'm just 
making some silly and simple mistake. Otherwise, not being able to indent 
inside %if blocks is going to make working on this spec file more painful than 
it could / should be.
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