Am 12.07.2014 01:35, schrieb Lex Trotman:
On 12 July 2014 09:25, Matthew Brush <> wrote:
On 14-07-11 01:25 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:
Am 11.07.2014 22:03, schrieb Colomban Wendling:
Le 07/07/2014 18:48, Thomas Martitz a écrit :

In my last post I've followed the approach of proxy plugins, aka pluxys.
This approach is based on geanypy and implements a plugin API for
plugins to act as proxy. I have mostly finished that (including an
trivial example pluxy), and ported geanypy to this framework. The result
is that with this approach I was successfully able to load python
plugins with the core, including access to the plugin API, to the extend
that geanypy allows plus keybindings via a new (experimental) API call.
I think this should cover almost everything you would want for python

Since with that work you can successfully load python plugins I consider
this approach workable.

Now that the pluxy approach is in the final stages I went onto toying
with libpeas.


There are three areas of problems with libpeas before we can adapt it,
two of which I could already solve in a fork.

If using libpeas really requires having a modified version of it lying
in our code, I'm not convinced it's a great idea.

It's because we require modifications to it for backwards compat, this
way we could maintain ABI and API stability across a transition to
libpeas. We can drop it from our source after the transition period
and/or convince upstream to accept rather geany-specific code (unlikely).

Another issue is that upstream libpeas tends to require recent glib/gtk
versions even when not justified. The fork would allow us to lower the
glib/gtk requirements.

If they're not justified, then why not provide upstream with a patch that
lowers them to minimum version required?

libpeas is tiny, and is not actively developed (one can consider the
project mostly done). So I don't think it's a big deal really. On the
other concept of libpeas does provide a lot of benefits so it's worth it

What alternatives can you propose?


As I understand it you only need to bundle peas to be able to add the
backward compatible loader?


If that is going to be for a limited deprecation period (say two
release periods after the peas version is released) then it is
reasonable to argue that the changes to libpeas are Geany specific,
for a limited period and not worth pushing upstream.

The changes would be very geany specific, although the first one (supporting plugins that are not described by a .plugin file) can perhaps be made generic in some way. But the loader is always going to be highly Geany specific, and I don't think it would be accepted by upstream, seeing that they even dropped a java script loader that is not app-specific.

But yea, but I didn't ask yet either. This is in part because the last mailing list activity is from 2012 which didn't receive any response.

I'd like to remember you about another point: Even if libpeas would accept all our modifictions like tomorrow, Geany realistically couldn't depend on it for the near future anyway (too new). By the time we can depend on it, i.e. when it lands in the current enterprise distros (REHL will probably only have it by RHEL 8), we probably don't even need to modifications anymore. This is the main reason that I don't think it's worth even trying to push the changes upstream: we wouldn't be able to use that upstream for a few years, and once we can we don't need these changes anymore.

Best regards.
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