On 14-09-22 08:48 AM, Steven Blatnick wrote:
Responses below:

On 09/22/2014 09:23 AM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:
After 15 years of using Linux desktop, 3 of which as maintainer of a
source-based distribution? :)
I'm glad (if you want to call it that) to hear that it sounds like only
a recent trend to abandon the users.  I hope they figure things out,
because it's been a painful few years because of the recent trends.  I'm
surprised at how much grief some of these projects have caused to linux
users as a whole, but it's like they are ignoring their constituents.
Linux.  I fight for the users ;-) (tron reference)

But you are right that systemd is not the only reason. KDE 4, GNOME 3,
FF[1], the list goes on, and recently even gtk+ 2.24.23+ (IIRC the
revision) is slightly broken. Guess I finally lost faith in the Linux
as desktop. I hope, for all of you, that Xfce 5 will be just fine.
I'm also happy to hear someone reiterate my disgruntlement with GNOME
3.  One small glimmer of hope is that Ubuntu Mate
<https://ubuntu-mate.org/> is emerging to fill that nostalgic gap.
Unfortunately, I don't know if they are doing anything with systemd, as
it will still be based on Ubuntu, but at least I get my sane interfaces
back without having to switch to Xfce :-/  They are even packaging
compiz, which much of linux practically abandoning it has been another
sore spot for me, although that could be blamed on GNOME 3 partly as
well for going to Mutter.  Now if only I could convince them to package
Emerald window decorator.  I miss 2007 linux ;-)

I especially like these points in Ubuntu Mate's mission:

  * *Restore the halcyon days of Ubuntu* before Unity
    <https://unity.ubuntu.com/> (I would add GNOME 3 here) was introduced.
  * Provide a *refuge* for Linux users who prefer a traditional desktop

It's weird you (and others) seem to dismiss XFCE while citing this as a goal. I've been using Xubuntu for nearly as long as I've been using Linux and it's been a great distro+DE configuration; familiar, painless, configurable, minimal, few bugs, each distro upgrade goes super smooth, and otherwise the whole thing stays out of the way.

P.S. I have my fingers crossed Ubuntu will shield me from this systemd brouhaha I keep hearing about :)

Matthew Brush
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