Am 18.03.2015 um 22:55 schrieb Matthew Brush:
On 15-03-18 09:42 AM, Thomas Martitz wrote:

tl;dr <-
Key functions

gboolean geany_load_module(GeanyPlugin *, GModule *)

What is the GModule* for? Is it a .dll that Geany opened on behalf of the plugin based on selection in Plugin Manager?

That's the function exported by native (C/C++) plugins that want to register as plugins with Geany. With my proposal that's the only function of a plugin that Geany gets through g_module_open(). Since this only applies to native shared libraries, the corresponding GModule is passed.

This function is similar to libpeas' peas_register_types().

gboolean geany_plugin_register(GeanyPlugin *, gint api, gint abi,
PluginHooks *(see below), gpointer)

The plugin defines a single global function,
geany_load_module(GeanyPlugin *, GModule *). This is the only function
that geany learns about using g_module_symbol(). And the only thing this
function ought to do is to call geany_plugin_register(). This does 4 things
1) Provide the plugin handle to the plugin very early
2) Perform abi and abi checks, so this is finally done inside geany.
Added bonus is that geany knows the requested api and can possibly apply
backcompat workarounds on a per plugin basis (instead of globally), warn
about very old plugins or even deny loading them.
3) Register the remaining hooks and callbacks (see below)
4) Associate a userdata pointer to the plugin, geany will pass this
pointer back to future calls into the plugin (good for proxies)

In the future geany_plugin_register should be able to be used to
register plugins recursivly, by passing the appropriate GeanyPlugin
pointer, i.e. plugin A should be able to call
geany_plugin_register(plugin_B, ...) to realize pluxies.

Now to the plugin hooks:
typedef struct _PluginHooks
     PluginCallback *callbacks;
     void        (*set_info)  (GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);
     void        (*init)      (GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);
     GtkWidget*  (*configure) (GeanyPlugin *plugin, GtkDialog *dialog,
gpointer pdata);
     void        (*help)      (GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);
     void        (*cleanup)   (GeanyPlugin *plugin, gpointer pdata);

What if instead of PluginHooks it was called `Plugin` (GeanyPlugin is taken, so for this discussion I'll use `Plugin` :) and instead of just the callback function pointers it contained the (possibly sub-)plugin's info, like this:

Plugin is also taken inside Geany :)

typedef struct
  const char *name;
  const char *version;
  const char *author;
  const char *description;
  unsigned    api_min;
  unsigned    abi_ver;
  void       *plugin_data; // pdata/plugin context

  bool      (*init) (Plugin*);
  GtkWidget (*configure) (Plugin,GtkDialog*);
  gchar*    (*help) (Plugin*); // if not NULL ret, show URL in browser
  bool      (*deinit) (Plugin*); // could signal unloading problem

Then the "register" function could be like:

bool plugin_register (GeanyPlugin *module, // geany's plugin context
                      Plugin      *plugin); // real/sub-plugin ctx

Inside a normal plugin it could do:

static Plugin my_plugin = {
  .name        = "Foo",
  .version     = "0.1",
  .author      = "Me",
  .description = "Foo plugin",
  .api_min     = 200,
  .abi_ver     = GEANY_ABI_VERSION,
  .init        = my_plugin_init,
  .configure   = my_plugin_configure,
  .help        = my_plugin_help,
  .deinit      = my_plugin_cleanup,

bool plugin_load_module (GeanyPlugin *module_plugin)
  return plugin_register (module_plugin, &my_plugin);

Or for a proxying-type plugin (ex. GeanyPy/GeanyLua):

bool plugin_load_module (GeanyPlugin *module_plugin)
  Plugin *plug = g_new0 (Plugin, 1);
  *plug = my_plugin;
  plug->name = "Joe's plugin";
  plug->version = etc...
  plug->plugin_data = PyObject_New(...); // or lua_new() or whatever
  return plugin_register (module_plugin, plug);

Just some ideas based on yours and mine previous work around this. There's many ways to skin this cat :)

That's only a slightly different version of my proposal, it's fundamentally the same. Glad you like it :D

Thanks for your suggestion to make the plugin_set_info() obsolete and move filing the info fields before geany_plugin_register(). I will incoperate that into my v2 of my proposal.

Best regards
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