Complete timings for bios_crypto on LX:

Whirlpool:  1.16 sec / MiB
SHA512:   0.42 sec / MiB
RSA verification: 0.025 sec / hash
ECC verification: 1.13 sec / hash

Combined time for verifying 1MiB firmware image is 1.16 + 0.42 + 2*0.025 
+ 2*1.13 ~= 3.9 sec.

That is 2.3 sec fixed + 1.6 sec / MiB

Assuming a 1.5 MiB kernel + 2 MiB initrd, the 4-check time would be 
about 8 seconds.

If we used SHA512+RSA only, the kernel+initrd time would be about 1.5 

For a 1.5 MiB kernel with no ramdisk, the SHA512+RSA time would be about 
0.7 seconds.

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