Just saw a link to this today, about a patent infringement lawsuit  
filed in Nigeria against OLPC:


 From the article:

'LANCOR's lawsuit alleges that OLPC purchased two KONYIN Multilingual  
Keyboard models (KONYIN Nigeria Multilingual Keyboard and KONYIN  
United States Multilingual Keyboard) with the express purpose of  
illegally reverse engineering the source codes for use in OLPC's XO  
Laptops. "The willful infringement of our client's intellectual  
property is so blatant and self-evident in the OLPC's XO Laptops,"  
said Solicitor Ade Adedeji, "we will have no problem establishing the  
facts of our client's case against OLPC in any court of law."'

I don't know Nigerian reverse-engineering laws so I don't know if the  
case has any merit, but is there any word about how this will affect  
the XO in Nigeria?

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