Call me too wary, but discussing these things in the open on the 
developer's list may
provide information that lawyers may further find as fodder.....

nick knouf wrote:
> On Nov 27, 2007, at 4:49 PM, Richard Dobson wrote:
>> José Antonio wrote:
>>> There is no "intelectual property".
>>> Patents and copyright are just monopoly granted by state. Period.
>>> As any monopoly, this kind of monopoly cause damages to society.
>>> Why Exxon and At&T can't do monopoly, and Micorsoft and Warner can?
> I definitely agree with you; unfortunately there are lawyers that can  
> make one's life very difficult because of these existing laws...
>> In any case, I can't see what their case is. Their product (as clearly
>> presented on their web site) uses two pairs of shift keys, left and
>> right sides of the keyboard, to access multiple extra characters.  
>> The XO
>> does not do this, as far as I can see.
>  From my reading of the press release, it seems as if they are  
> claiming infringement in drivers that come with the XO; that the XO  
> contains code that interfaces with their proprietary keyboard  
> design.  I don't know enough about the product to know if their extra  
> shift keys are simply coded as extra modifier keys, which would seem  
> to make their claim of "intellectual property" quite shaky indeed.   
> Even so, any case, if it were to go to trial, would likely be  
> draining in terms of financial resources for OLPC, not to mention the  
> potential for bad press.
> nick
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