(cc sugar@, eben)

Jeffrey Kesselman wrote:

> On Dec 24, 2007 4:57 PM, C. Scott Ananian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Bernie has the details to get a 1200x900 screen in the emulator on the
>> wiki somewhere (right?);
> All I could find was a "qemu cant do this" on the emulation page and a
> very confusing discussion of multiple different drives on the drivers
> page.

Both vmware and qemu (recent CVS snapshot) can do this using
the vmware driver:


This driver is only available in xtest for now.  Scott,
please note that #5163 is blocked on a Pilgrim patch.
Please apply it and we can close it.

> I'm willing to bet my VMWare is capable of this if someone could just
> point me at the right settings to put into my xorg.conf

Both xtest and joyride carry the necessary config file:
/etc/X11/xorg-vmware.conf.  But joyride is missing the
vmware driver.

That said, I think we should state clearly in our HIG that
applications should be resolution independent because the
display size will vary in future hardware and in *current*
hardware to which Sugar has been ported.

What do the Sugar developers think about it?

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