> 1. the battery light is flashing red all the time (on for ~1 sec out of 
> every 4)

Flashing red means battery error.  If you don't have a developer key 
please get one.  Unlock your machine and then do what ever it takes to 
cause the red flashing.  Then  reboot the machine hit esc at the 
countdown to to get to an 'ok' prompt.  Then at ok prompt type:

ec-abnormal@ .

Note the ' .' on the end.  That prints out the value.  This should print 
  a number.  Please report back what that error code is.

> 2. I left the laptop running overnight with the screen backlight off. in 
> the past I coul wake it up and everything would be good (including alpine 
> remaining running and seeing new mail)
> this time it had disconnected from my access point and connected to mesh1, 
> and when I tried to switch back the mouse was very flaky (a problem I have 
> not had in the past) and the machine finally froze, after 15 min I power 
> cycled it.

The system firmware doesn't really have much to do with networking so 
I'm confused if it actually made a difference.  Was the firmware the 
only thing you changed?

Richard Smith  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
One Laptop Per Child
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