On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Richard A. Smith wrote:
>>> 1. the battery light is flashing red all the time (on for ~1 sec out of
>>> every 4)
>> Flashing red means battery error.  If you don't have a developer key please
>> get one.  Unlock your machine and then do what ever it takes to cause the red
>> flashing.  Then  reboot the machine hit esc at the countdown to to get to an
>> 'ok' prompt.  Then at ok prompt type:
>> ec-abnormal@ .
> interesting, the battery life hasn't been great, but it's been working.
> I'll rebootand report the result.
>> Note the ' .' on the end.  That prints out the value.  This should print  a
>> number.  Please report back what that error code is.

it reports 9

David Lang

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