On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:25:12 -0700
Joshua N Pritikin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 05:29:58PM -0400, Ivan Krstić wrote:
> > "Eventually, Negroponte added, Windows might be the sole operating  
> > system ... Negroponte said he was mainly concerned with putting as  
> > many laptops as possible in children's hands."
> > 
> > -- via Associated Press
> > <http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hXa0O9XLMsWfaqt-sI9FqFy2IewgD9073PPG0 
> >  >
> At least Ivan quoted this part properly: "Negroponte said he was mainly 
> concerned with putting as many laptops as possible in children's hands."
> I don't know about you, but that makes sense to me. Carol Lerche is 
> right: we need to be pragmatic and get this laptop into the hands of the 
> children who can benefit even if that means our software stack is 
> tainted with a little proprietary software.

The problem with this claim is the assumption that children *will* benefit
with a laptop running a completely proprietary stack.  I remain
unconvinced.  A laptop running a proprietary stack is not a goal that
I'm interested in pursuing.

There's a pretty massive difference between "We'll ship w/ Linux, a
proprietary mesh driver, and a few proprietary apps", and "We're running

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