On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 09:09:13PM -0400, Tom Hoffman wrote:
> Given that this would make Sugar accessible to millions of children
> around the world already using Windows, I can't see how this would be
> a bad thing.  On the other hand, I can't see how either OLPC or
> Microsoft has much motivation to invest in the port at this point.

Really? My sense from reading Negroponte's email is that OLPC _can_ 
benefit from a Windows port. However, I think the key word is "Trojan 

"I believe the best educational tool is constructionism and the best
software development method is Open Source. In some cases those are best
achieved like the Trojan Horse, versus direct confrontation or isolating
ourselves with perfection."

I speculate that there are many decision makers out there who still 
think that Windows is synonymous with quality. Yes, really! So on one 
hand, Negroponte wants to appeal to these decision makers by saying, 
"Yes, we have Windows. We are 100% behind Windows." On the other hand, 
he is trying to explain his sales strategy to software developers and 
the community by emphasizing OLPC's increased investment in Sugar and 
allied projects.

Here's the history behind the term "Trojan Horse":

"Still seeking to gain entrance into Troy, clever Odysseus (some say 
with the aid of Athena) ordered a large wooden horse to be built. Its 
insides were to be hollow so that soldiers could hide within it. Once 
the statue had been built by the artist Epeius, a number of the Greek 
warriors, along with Odysseus, climbed inside. The rest of the Greek 
fleet sailed away, so as to deceive the Trojans. One man, Sinon, was 
left behind. When the Trojans came to marvel at the huge creation, Sinon 
pretended to be angry with the Greeks, stating that they had deserted 
him. He assured the Trojans that the wooden horse was safe and would 
bring luck to the Trojans. Only two people, Laocoon and Cassandra, spoke 
out against the horse, but they were ignored. The Trojans celebrated 
what they thought was their victory, and dragged the wooden horse into 
Troy. That night, after most of Troy was asleep or in a drunken stupor, 
Sinon let the Greek warriors out from the horse, and they slaughtered 
the Trojans. Priam was killed as he huddled by Zeus' altar and Cassandra 
was pulled from the statue of Athena and raped."


To spell it out, Windows + Sugar is the Trojan Horse. However, we are 
"secretly" filling up the Trojan Horse with free software. In other 
words, the free software community are the Greek warriors. The idea is 
that slightly indiscriminate decision makers (the Trojans) will buy our 
Trojan Horse (advertised to them as Sugar + Windows). Once we close the 
deal, we can deliver Sugar ... and before anybody figures out what is 
going on, all the teachers and students will fall in love with Sugar + 
GNU/Linux (Troy was destroyed; clearly, there is a limit to the 
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