Ar 29/04/2008 am 14:56, ysgrifennodd Eben Eliason:
> I could very well be way off target with this suggestion, but an
> implementation of Groups (background reading, though not quite up to
> date: 
> seems like a perfect place for some additional help.  It's a feature
> that's very much wanted, as far as I can tell, and its very closely
> tied to the network space which you hope to focus on.  It's also a
> space which has a number of plateaus, I think, which can be reached
> stage by stage depending on time, or in smaller groups as you have so
> many people to work on it.
> This is something that would have to go hand in hand with all of the
> collaboration work that Collabora has been doing.  I know it's been in
> the back of their minds for some time.  I'm not sure if it would be
> feasible to work on Groups separately from their efforts or not, but
> it would be worth asking.  If it's indeed possible, they might be
> grateful to have help working on some of these items, since they
> certainly have a list of bugs that take priority over this feature in
> the short term.
> I've CC'd Daf, of Colllabora, to see if he has any insight into the
> feasibility of such an endeavor.

There are lots of areas in the collaboration space which might make a suitable
project. I'll try to suggest a few options.

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